Wednesday, June 13, 2007


What the fuck is wrong with the school. I came to school early in the morning and sat there waiting for the lecturer to arrive. Half an hour passed and he's still not arrived. I was thinking something must be wrong. Like the other time we waited an hour until 2 guys from the office came up and told us our lecturer fell sick, last minute. Okay, so we waited. Then I heard from someone that our student coordinator didn't give out the new time table. And that actually there should be no class this morning. What the fuck.

Received my exam results from last term. I got a D and 2 Bs. That's good enough cos this time round we have to study for all 3 modules at once.

Went to buy running shoes with my sis yesterday. It was hard to look for shoes, with the unfortunately largeness of my feet. I should have bound my feet when I was little, or something. Anyway, it was a hard time, as usual, ever since I was small, shoe shopping was always a hard time. I have size seven and a half feet. Sometimes eight. Ahh, but managed to buy an okay-looking pair that I could fit in at $39.90. There was a sale going on, and most of the shoes left were small sizes. So I guess I'm not the only one with big feet. (: Then after that I went running.

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