Sunday, August 17, 2008

The period is here!

Waited in anticipation for 2 weeks and it's finally here. The delay is due to stress of, something. Regarding life. Growing. Inside. Me.

We thought I was going to be, well... You know.

Although I was the one who was more worried. He said we wouldn't be so lucky.

I thought I glimpsed a flicker of disappointment in him when I came out of the toilet at the zoo yesterday and told him, "Baby, there's blood." And he replied, "Oh, no baby."

But now's not the right time, we both understand that. But we'd still be happy if I were to be, you know.

I think he wants to be a father, now?

But in the meantime, I'm glad that it's here. It's relieved me of all my doubts. I don't have to go and buy another one of those bloody expensive $16 tests.

We call these periods 大姨妈, but in some countries, they call it Aunt Flo. Hahaha.

Oh, I love you, you whole load of bloody mess.

But the cramps are killing me.

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