Sunday, March 18, 2007

Yo, Girrrls!

Watched The Tyra Banks Show.
Don't usually watch that talk show but I was to help my Ma shred chicken breast meat,
so what the hell, I turned on the TV to watch something and shred chicken at the same time.
I love American talk shows.
Ophra Winfrey, Ellen Degeneres, Tyra Banks...
Well, today's episode of The Tyra Banks Show is one of the best I've seen.
It started with Tyra Banks showing pictures of herself being taken by some person,
who got the unflattering angle of Tyra Banks.
She looked, well, fat.
So the guy must have sold the picture to the American tabloids and said Tyra Banks gained 40 pounds.
She started the show clarifying that,
let's put it in my less civilised terms,
She actually shouted, with a choked voice, to the tabloids and paparazzi,
Okay, then following that,
the show began with the topic of the weight issue,
more specifically, anorexia.

It's really kind of scary.
To watch these women feel so uncomfortable in their own skin.
They make themselves believe that they will be more beautiful if they lose an extra pound, an extra inch,
by simply not eating.
There was this married mother of two, who was also anorexic, who went on the show.
She's 27, and weighs 75 pounds.
How much is that?
She's 27 and looks like a 9 year old kid.
I bet you could take a pair of chop sticks and hit her ribs and you could make a musical intrument out of her ribs.
She looked frail and very very unhealthy.
Let's just say that if she happens to be caught in a strong wind,
she just might fly away with it.

I'm glad there are not too many cases of anorexia in Singapore.
But I've seen some girls who are way way way too skinny.
There was once, in the MRT, a very very skinny girl sat beside me.
Her arms were just bones wrapped with skin.
I bet she couldn't be pinched.
Imgaine hugging her.
Anyway, she and her friend came and sit beside me.
Luckily, her friend looked more healthy.
At first, I didn't notice her skinniess.
Cos you don't sit in the train and directly turn to the person beside you to look at him or her.
People started staring at her and that's when I noticed.
I tell you, I sure as hell wanted to get away.
Maybe run to the other bunk or something,
in case somebody looked at the both of us and started seeing the vast difference.
I will personally kill the person who says,
"Wah! So big difference ah!",
and following that,
shoot myself.
Luckily, that did not happen.

The problem behind all of this weight loss craze and anorexic girls is that these girls lack confidence and self-esteem.
The word anorexia would never have been invented if everybody could look at themselves in the mirror and say
with a bright smile, "I'm beautiful!"
They feel so uncomfortable in their own skin,
they have to keep losing weight to reassure themselves that they are beautiful.
I'm not saying skinny isn't good.
Healthy skinny is okay,
but not life-threatening skinny.
To think, half a century ago,
people would be fighting for food,
instead of now, pushing their plates away.

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