Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Was in class having Financial Management,
when I felt a slight shaking of the floor.
Left, right, left, right...
Thought the table was shaking,
so I removed my arms from the table.
I asked my friend if he felt it,
he said no.
Then laughingly said,
"Earthquake in Indonesia? Hahaha."
We left it at that.

Then I was chatting with bf on the phone
when I received an sms from that same classmate.
It said, "Really got earthquake just now in Indonesia!"
I burst out laughing.
Just finished a good book,
Girl In Times Square by Paullina Simons.

Been reading a lot.
I discovered my love for reading when I was young.
Pa used to say I'm never seen without a book.
Now he doesn't say anything.

Feeling sad today.
My mood was deeply affected by a question I asked a friend,
of something that happened in the past.
And I thought of death.
A car sped by,
ignoring the red light.
I was about to cross the road.
I thought about the events that would follow,
if I were to take that wrong step,
just one step earlier.
What would I see then?
Red lights?
A crowd gathering?
The sky crying for me?
Or just nothing?

Where would I go?

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