Thursday, October 12, 2006

Life's a bore these days.
I'm spending too little time studying,
and too much time on my bf's PSP.
I'm amazed by myself sometimes.
I actually spent more than 35 hours on a single RPG game!
That's like, a lot of time, man.
I'm now starting on another game,
the back of the cover promised me at least 50 hours of fun.

Today school was boring as usual.
Had lessons until 4pm.
We like to spice up boring lessons,
by chatting non-stop of course!
It was so funny, man!
I mean our conversations.
But somehow our conversations would turn to sex,

Our lecturer damn dulan.
Classroom macam market like that.

Got to finish up the assignments which I haven't started on,
which is due next Monday and Tuesday.
And exams are around the corner.
The next term would be the last,
and the course is completed.
Two of my classmates don't plan to take up the Advanced course.
They want to work.
But they have to understand leh,
this is a private institution diploma course.
Not take the cert already then go out can anyhow get a job.
For one, we cannot work for the gahmen.
Gahmen jobs are usually the ones which bring in the cash.
Like me, at least get an Advanced Dip, if lucky, still can get some job.
My friends are not poor leh,
they got money to study but dowan to study.
My friend says she dowan to use her parents money.
I also dowan!
But I no choice leh.
Use their money first, then next time slowly pay back.
Then I go for a higher degree.
For me, to get a doctrate ah, Ph.D,
Still need 11 years.
Grow white hair already lo!
But can be 'Dr' leh.
I must strive as high as I can.

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