Thursday, June 11, 2009

438: Hello World

Oi blogger, I've been neglecting you again. Sorry lor. 

I've got motivation to blog again. :)

Okay, here are the latest updates on my life. I had 2 days of MC on Tuesday and Wednesday, because I've been feeling sick since last week. And I didn't really want to go to work anyway, so I went to the doctor. I didn't realise that I was running a fever until the lady told me after she took my temperature, which was 37.7 degrees celcius. The doctor asked if I wanted 1 day or 2 days MC, I was like, "Errr...." The doctor said, "Give you 2 days lah, because you have a fever. You must let the fever clear up first." I went, "Ookaaaaay...." But inside my heart I was bouncing like a hyperactive bunny. I know you must be thinking that I'm not really sick right, I just didn't want to go to work. But I was sick okay. But a part of me didn't want to go to work. I guess that part has always been there, teehee. 

So, 2 days of MC, plus 2 days of off. I'm now on my 2nd off day. Went to meet Elaine, Auntie Eng Hwa and Auntie Su at Bugis for lunch. We went to a nonya buffet restaurant called Chilli Padi which was located opposite the National Library. The food was alright, but I particularly liked the nonya kuehs. And after sitting there and talk and eat and talk and eat for about 3 hours, we went and walked around until Auntie Su had to go for her aerobics class, then me and Elaine and Auntie Eng Hwa walked around some more and then we went our seperate ways.

I took the bus home. I was sitting near the front of the bus, then an old man boarded the bus. He looked around for a seat, but all the seats were taken, so being the nice, considerate, polite, courteous and adorable citizen that I am, I gave up my seat to that old man. At first he said, "不用啦,你坐." But seeing that I was making no move to sit down myself, he gladly took the seat, thanking me. A few stops later, he got up and asked me to sit down, saying that he was going to alight at the next stop. So I plumped my ass on the seat again. While waiting for the bus to reach the next stop, he stood beside me and told me, "谢谢你,你真的很好。有些人都不管我。很少人会让位给我。" I politely smiled back at him. Then he said, "你知道吗?我 80 岁了还在做工。" I was like, "Har? 真的啊?" He said, "对lor,看不出hor?" I was flabbergasted not by how I didn't believe he was 80, but by why the hell was he still working at the old age of 80 years.

Then the bus stopped, so he got down. After he alighted, he turned around and with a huge smile on his face, waved me goodbye. I waved back too. Too bad our friendship ended there, I would have liked to know him better. He sort of made my day, and in a way, I think I did the same for him. ☺

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