These days life is revolving around work and the bf. And occasionally some meet ups with friends. Work life is okay. Love life is okay. Everything is going smoothly.
I've met the bf's mother. Sometimes I'd pop by his place and say hi to his mother and then lock ourselves in his computer room for quickies.
I've stopped drinking coffee for a week now. I'm not going to say the number of years I've been drinking coffee, every single day. But now I've stopped because the other day, my ma didn't boil the water and I was lazy to boil it myself and didn't drink that morning and as a result I was a complete wreck the rest of the day. I suffered from Caffeine Withdrawl Syndrome that day. I realised what the coffee was doing to my body and swore to stop drinking.
I realised sometimes I suffer from Boyfriend Withdrawl Syndrome too. Like now. Like one day I see him and the next day I don't. And then I get like this. We've been together for 2 years and 2 months. But it feels like only 3 months.
Thinking about our future. Plans plans plans. We plan to get married in 4 years time. Why does it seem like such a long time away.